
Since its founding in 2006 the Sailing Association has been fortunate to receive the financial support of the WHYC membership and our local community at large. 

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and our collaboration with the WHYC, the Sailing Association has accomplished so many milestones this year, by providing equipment, resources, scholarships and funding to sponsor programs for not only the WHYC but also for the Community.

  • A grant was awarded to the Dunns Corners School Applied Academics Special Olympics team to attend a full-day program at the New England Science & Sailing Association.

  • A scholarship was awarded to a 9-year-old aspiring sailor to participate in both Opti sessions.

  • Two Friends & Family CPR/AED classes were sponsored.

  • We acquired an additional racing Opti for the Junior Sailing Program.

  • Our WH-15 was launched in June for her 53rd year in Watch Hill harbor and is a very important part of the WHYC Junior Sailing Program.

  • Our Sail Recycling program was a great success. Forty-four sails were recycled and reused to make tote bags to support the Sailing Association programs.

Donations to the WHYC Sailing Association for the preservation our WH-15 Blue Bell are also gratefully accepted.  

Thank you for your support!

Download the donation form and mail: Donation Form

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